Olivier Robert is a professional photographer born in 1970, Belgium. His approach is based on a minimalist expression for more than 25 years. Initiated very early to photography and dark room process, he got his first camera at the age of 15. At that time, he also discovered Asia. This intense experience has drastically influenced his way of life and his vision of the world. From then on, the traditional Asian painting and philosophy have been his main sources of inspiration.
In 1994, he graduated from the Institute of Landscape Architecture in Belgium and left his native country for Switzerland. As he arrived in the Lake Geneva region in 1995, he started a long-term project about the lake. After a long experience in studio and commercial photography, he decided in 2004 to devote his time almost exclusively to landscapes photography.
For his continuous projects as well as family reasons, he has divided his life between Europe and Japan for many years. He often gets thoroughly across the 47 prefectures of Japan looking for specific landmarks which convey timelessness, simplicity and sometimes mystery.
This approach has led him to the most remote places of the archipelago, through mountains, temples and shrines. With his wife (Japanese blogger), he has also carried out a project on the Buddhist statuary and sacred sites for years.
His photographs have been frequently published and worldwide exhibited in galleries or museums. As a winner and finalist of multiple international photography awards, he is also regularly invited to jury some main photography competitions.
Hisayo T.​

Since 2022, exhibitions have been paused to prioritize photographic production and the writing of articles.
France, Annecy, Espace 55 : from July 7th to September 2nd 2021.
Group exhibition - Lacs & Minimalisme - Curated by Galerie 361, Annecy, France.​
All Exhibitions cancelled (COVID-19)​​
France, Arles, Voies Off Festival : from July 22th to 28th 2019. Guest of Honor
Group exhibition - Curated by 7 Days Photo Agency, Los Angeles, USA. Prints from Japan & China collection​
Group exhibition - Sublimation 2019. Curated by 7 Days Photo Agency, Los Angeles, USA. Prints from Japan & China collection.​
Solo exhibition - Chine, Montagnes et Nuages. 25 photographs.
3 Honorable Mentions at the Monochrome Awards 2018. London, UK.
Bronze Medal at the Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA) 2018. Tokyo, Japan.
2nd Place, Silver Star Medal at the ND Photography Awards 2018. London, UK.
4 Nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards 2018. Beverly Hills, USA.
3 Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards 2018. Los Angeles, USA.
2nd Place of the Monovisions Photography Awards 2018. London, UK.
2 Honorable Mentions at the Monovisions Photography Awards 2018. London, UK.
Finalist of the Black & White Contest 2018 by Dodho Magazine. Barcelona, Spain.
Gold Medal at the Prix de la Photographie Paris 2018. Los Angeles, USA.
3rd Prize Winner at the Prix de la Photographie Paris 2018. Los Angeles, USA.
1st Prize, 2 Gold Medals at the Moscow International Foto Awards 2018. Moscow, Russia.
2nd Prize & 3rd Prize, Silver & Bronze Medals at the Moscow International Foto Awards 2018. Moscow, Russia.
1 Honorable Mention at the Moscow International Foto Awards 2018. Moscow, Russia.
3rd Prize Winner of the Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA) 2018. London, UK.
2 Nominations at the Fine Art Photography Awards (FAPA) 2018. London, UK.
Top 35 Black & White + Top 10 Switzerland Photographers at the 35 International Photo Award 2017. Moscow, Russia.
3 Silver Medals at the Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA) 2017. Tokyo, Japan.
1 Honorable Mention at the Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA) 2017. Tokyo, Japan.
3rd Prize of the International Photographer of the Year 2017. London, UK.
2 Honorable Mentions at the International Photographer of the Year 2017. London, UK.
3rd place Winner at the Monochrome Awards 2017. London, UK.
9 Honorable Mentions at the Monochrome Awards 2017. London, UK.
Gold Medal of the ND Awards 2017. London, UK.
Bronze Medal of the ND Awards 2017. London, UK.
2 Honorable Mentions at the ND Awards 2017. London, UK.
Nominee at the Photography Grant 2017. London, UK.
Honorable Mention & 4 Nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards 2017. Beverly Hills, USA.
4 Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards 2017. Los Angeles, USA.
2nd Prize of the Monovisions Photography Awards 2017. London, UK.
2 Honorable Mentions at the Monovisions Photography Awards 2017. London, UK.
1st Prize, Gold Medal of the Moscow International Foto Awards 2017. Moscow, Russia.
2nd Prize, Silver Medal of the Moscow International Foto Awards 2017. Moscow, Russia.
3rd Prize (Fine Art Landscape) of the Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) 2017. Los Angeles, USA.
3rd Prize (book) of the Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) 2017. Los Angeles, USA.
2nd Prize Winner of the Fine Art Photography Awards 2017. London, UK.
5 Nominations at the Fine Art Photography Awards 2017. London, UK.
Finalist of the Siena International Photo Awards 2017. Siena, Italy.
Finalist of the Black & White Contest - The Center for Fine Art Photography 2017. Fort Collins, USA.
3rd Prize of the Photography Festival of Strasbourg 2017. Strasbourg, France.
1st Prize of the International Photographer of the Year 2016. London, UK.
3rd Prize of the International Photographer of the Year 2016. London, UK.
1st Prize of the ‘Photographe-Voyageur’ competition, Geneva Book Fair 2016, Switzerland.
Finalist of the Contemporary Talents Contest, François Schneider Foundation 2015, France.
AWARDS (2015-2018)
100 Photographize Best Selected Annual Book vol. 1, North Bethesda, MD, USA : Special invitation, December 2020
Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne, Switzerland : 'Nuit des images' (with Musée du Léman, Nyon), June 2019
Le Temps Newspaper (print edition and online), Switzerland : Le Japon dans le viseur de l'appareil photo, December 2018
Black & White Best Photographers of the Year (book), Spain : Dodho Magazine Awards, September 2018
B&W Minimalism Magazine (print edition) #11, Iran : Interview and publication, June 2018
Dodho Photography Magazine (website), Spain : Huang Shan by Olivier Robert, June 2018
Dodho Photography Magazine (website), Spain : Hokkaido, the Silence of Winter by Olivier Robert, May 2018
PhotoPlace Gallery USA : Exhibition catalog, May 2018
12th annual Black & White Spider Awards, USA : Winners Video, April 2018
Photogrvphy & Grant (website) : Olivier Robert, Fragments of Lakes, March 2018
Monovisions Black & White Photography Magazine, UK : Olivier Robert : Japan Coastlines, March 2018
France Télévision (France3) : reportage about the exhibition 'Statuaire et sites sacrés du Japon', February 2018
Monochrome Awards Annual Book : 3rd Prize Winner of the 2017 competition, January 2018
Black & White Spider Awards, USA : The Journal Collection #9, January 2018
Szeroki Kadr Photography Magazine, Poland : Interview, January 2018
Dodho Photography Magazine, Spain : Interview, December 2017
Krisal Gallery, Switzerland : 25th Anniversary book, December 2017
Monovisions Black & White Photography Magazine, UK : Olivier Robert : from Léman to Biwa, November 2017
Go Out! Mag (print edition magazine), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel par le photographe Olivier Robert', September 2017
Temps libre Magazine (website), Switzerland : 'Le Japon vu par Olivier Robert, Voyageurs du Monde, Genève', September 2017
Suisse Romande Magazine (website), Switzerland : 'Exposition photo Japon intemporel par Olivier Robert', September 2017
Signé Genève (web magazine), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel par le photographe Olivier Robert', September 2017
Color my Geneva (web magazine), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel par le photographe Olivier Robert', September 2017
Gem (agenda de la Genève multiculturelle), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel chez Voyageurs du Monde Genève', September 2017
La décadanse (web magazine), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel chez Voyageurs du Monde Genève', September 2017
Competence Photo Magazine (website), Switzerland : 'Japon intemporel' d'Olivier Robert, September 2017
Dodho Photography Magazine (print edition) #4, Spain : Japan, Waterscape and Beyond, August 2017
Consulate of Japan in Geneva (website), Switzerland : 'Automne de la culture japonaise', July 2017
B&W Minimalism (print edition) #5, Iran : Magazine cover, June 2017
Activ Mag (print edition magazine), France & Switzerland : 'Japon, Au-delà du réel' (by Mélanie Marullaz), June 2017
Korea International Photo Festival, Seoul, Korea : Catalog, May 2017
Dodho Photography Magazine (website), Spain : Léman by Olivier Robert, May 2017
B&W Minimalism (website), Iran : article and portfolio online, April 2017
Nippon Camera (print edition magazine), Japan : Exhibitions, April 2017
Japan Design Net (web magazine), Japan, March 2017
Capa Camera Magazine (website), Japan, March 2017
B&W Minimalism (web magazine) #3, Iran, February 2017
Tribune de Genève (newspaper), Switzerland : ‘7 manières d’aimer l’art’, November 2016
My Big Geneva (website), Switzerland : ‘Art7 Carouge’, November 2016
Bilan Magazine (website), Switzerland. Etienne Dumont, Art critic, November 2016
Beaux Quartiers (print edition magazine) #28, Grenoble, France, Autumn 2016
B&W Minimalism (web magazine) #1, Iran, October 2016
L’Impartial de la Drôme (newspaper), France : ‘Découvrez l’univers d’Olivier Robert’ (by Laurent Thiot), May 2016
L’Alpe (print edition magazine) #72, France : ‘Nos livres vous ouvrent des horizons’, April 2016
L’Echo (print edition magazine) #39, Switzerland : ‘Lacs du monde, la vision exaltée d’Olivier Robert’ (by Katherine Friedli), March 2016
Nat’Images (print edition magazine), France. February / March 2016
Réponses Photo (print edition magazine), France : ‘Photos de lacs’, February 2016
L’Alpe (print edition magazine), France. January / March 2016
Profession Photographe (print edition magazine), France : ‘Livres’ (by Emilie Quittemelle), January / February 2016
Radio interview (Curieux.digital, Pierre-Michel Meier), Geneva, Switzerland : ‘le bonheur à l’N’vY’, January 2016
La Vie Nouvelle (print edition magazine), France : ‘Des clics et des lacs’ (by Jean-Louis Roux), January 8th 2016
Shiga TV Channel, Japan : Presentation of the book 'Miroirs d'eau, du Léman au Biwa' by Ms. Sarasa Yoshida, January 2016
France Net Info, (website), France, December 2015
Wevamag (website), France : ‘L’eau en pose B’, December 2015
Biba Magazine (website), France : ‘Spécial Noël, Les beaux livres’ (by Evelyne Eveno), December 2015
Paris Match (magazine) #3474, Switzerland : Fine art books (by Frédéric Finot), December 2015
Tribune de Genève (newspaper), Switzerland, December 2015
Tribune de Genève (website), Switzerland, December 2015
24 heures (newspaper), Vaud, Switzerland : ‘Miroirs, mes beaux miroirs’ (by Philippe Dubath), December 2015
24 heures (website), Vaud, Switzerland : ‘Les beaux miroirs d’Olivier Robert’ (by Philippe Dubath), December 2015
Le Point (print edition magazine), France : ‘Supplément Livres’, November 2015
24 heures (newspaper), Vaud, Switzerland : ‘le musée du Léman offre un voyage lacustre singulier’, November 2015
La Côte (newspaper), Vaud, Switzerland : ‘les lacs s’exposent au Musée du Léman”, November 2015
La Côte (website), Vaud, Switzerland : ‘les eaux dormantes’ (by Daniel Bujard), November 2015
Photo-Theoria (web magazine) #3, by Ms Nassim Daghighian, art historian, November 2015
Musée du Léman (website), Nyon, Switzerland : ‘Photographies d’Olivier Robert’, November 2015
Association Suisse Japon (website), Switzerland : Events, November 2015
Nyon Region Tourisme (website), Switzerland : Events, November 2015
Payot bookstore (website), Switzerland : ‘Chronique Payot’, October 2015
Sélection magazine (print edition), Payot, Geneva, Switzerland : ‘Clichés hors du temps’ (by Anne-Sylvie Sprenger), October 2015
Grand Genève (website), Switzerland : cultural events, October 2015
Musée du Léman, Nyon, Switzerland : ‘Programme des expositions 2015’, January 2015
Tout l’Immobilier (newspaper) #733, Geneva, Switzerland : ’40 photographies au fil de l’eau’, August 2014
Photography Served (website), New York, USA : Leman project selected and featured online, 2012
Prisma Presse (print edition magazine), Paris, France : Prima Maison #2, 2005
Genève Expositions, Switzerland : permanent and temporary exhibitions booklet, 2005
Synergie Editions (print edition magazine), France : Pass’Port, 2004
Var Matin (newspaper), France : press articles, 2004
Humaterra Magazine (website), France : online portfolio, 2004
Arrimage (website), France : online interview, 2003
35 Awards, Russia : Judge for the Photography contest 2019
Biwako Hotel shop, Otsu City, Japan, 2017
Ramsar Convention, Switzerland : Judge for the World Wetlands Day Photography contest 2017
Jacques Boesch (author), Switzerland : ‘Bleu filigrane’, retrospective book, 2017
Japan Preview (online magazine) France – Japan : permanent collaboration since 2014
Claire-Vision Editions, Belgium : calendar, 12 photographs, 2008
Claire-Vision Editions, Belgium : Claire-Vision MAG, Newsletter #8, 2008
Claire-Vision Editions, Belgium : ‘Les Droits de la Terre’, 6 high quality cards, 2007
Agence Nelly Rodi, Paris, France : illustration of ’Observatoire des Tendances du Jardins’ booklet, 2005
Credit Agricole Asset Managment, Paris, France : booklets illustration, 2005
Cartimage, Paris, France : high quality cards for companies, 2004-2005
Givaudan, France : professional documents, 2004
Elyo (Groupe Suez), France : professional documents, 2004
Agence Nelly Rodi Paris, France : cover and illustration of ‘Observatoire des Tendances du Jardins’ booklet, 2004
Chick’n’Peas, Geneva, Switzerland : exclusive series, 2004
Photogenie Editions, France : exclusive series for professional documents, 2003